Yes... so... in a family of all boys this should probably be expected, but it still doesn't make it not disgusting!! You know in the Easter post how my lovely angels colored Easter eggs??? Well, my oldest one found 7 on Easter!! End of that part. Fast forward to Tuesday
AFTER Easter. I think Cole stepped in dog poop at his baseball game because we get in the car and it smells disgusting. Thursday... I am thinking... what is that smell? Cole's shoes are clean and in garage... carpets in back seat are clean... but the smell is getting worse. Friday... on our way to Mesquite I am telling Cole that when we get to Granny's we are cleaning this car from hood to back door because the smell is even worse. The boys want to listen to their Veggietale CD. I reach into the passenger seat pocket (on back seat) and pull out 5 colored EGGS!!!!!!! OMG! I check... 2 more. Half the eggs are smushed, half are not. But the stench is overwhelming. It made it worse when we pulled the pocket out to see how many were in there. I thought I was going to pass out driving down 75! When the wind wafts the smell even Carson was like.. Mommy what is that smell?!?! So Cole has to babywipe what he can as we are chunking eggs out of the window, yes... I know I littered people but you didn't smell my car!! Anyways... days of Pine Sol and any other cleaner I can get my hands on, and my car still has a tint of egg smell. I told Neil we should have done the traditional plastic eggs!! Here are those lovely boogers that caused my whole problem!