Friday, September 12, 2008

First couple weeks of school

Ok, so Cole has been in 1st grade for 3 weeks now. He has the sweetest teacher ever!! He loves her. He has been on his best behavior to impress her. It doesn't help that she is young and super cute!! LOL It is hard to believe that he is in 1st grade already. it seems like yesterday that he and Neil drove me to school after I had to go back from maternity leave and left me bawling in the parking lot. Where do the years go? Now he is almost 7... yes 7!!!!!!!!!! He is getting "best friends" which totally cracks me up. And is talking about how the girls drive him nuts by chasing him around the playground. Thank God that he is immature and totally oblivious to the fact that what they are really doing is flirting. :) Oh, the good times. Where girls flirt and boys have absolutely no idea that you are flirting. HA HA!!

1 comment:

Steph said...

I remember those days of chasing/flirting. I don't think I knew what I was doing either! LOL!!! Glad he likes his teacher so much that he wants to do well!! ;o)